Genesis 2:7 | The Making of Man | Commentary

Source: https://www.abarim-publications.com/Bible_Commentary/Genesis2v7.html

Genesis 2:7

— The Making of Man —

🔼Adam and Zygote

Genesis 2:7 is one of the pivotal moments in Scriptures. Firstly because it reports the making of our most remote ancestor, the creature generally known as Adam (means Earthling). But secondarily because this event was repeated almost identically when God created the Church in Acts 2 (read the article).

Most translations of Scriptures, and imagery thereof derived, depict this creature as a fully grown, naked man, with an equally fully grown, naked wife called Eve. Yet the Scientific Record insists that man came to pass as it slowly grew out of the animal realm, and even earlier, from the realm of single-cellular beings. And if that isn't enough: all of us started our lives as a single cellular creature called zygote. It stands to reason that our species did the same.

The Chaotic Set Theory shows the existence of three separate and self-similar realms, those of matter, life and mind. These three develop almost identically, and each has its atomic building block, as explained in our article on The Household Set; matter has the atom; life has the cell, and mind has the individual conscious creature. According to this theory, Adam (of Genesis 2:7) is the living cell, and the building block for the bio-sphere.

Eve was named so because she was "the mother of all life." The phrase "all life" occurs on six other occasions in Scriptures and never only mankind is meant but rather all life, just as it says (show me). Ergo, claiming that Eve was the mother of humans only is strongly at odds with the text.

The word "mother" comes from a root from which also the word for "people" or "nation" is derived, and we must conclude that Scripture demands Eve to be the entire bio-sphere.

Let's have a look at the text to see if theory matches data; Genesis 2:7:

Genesis 2:7

We've tried an extensive array of translations, in English, German, Dutch and even Polish, but only the good old Dutch Statenvertaling (which is, surprisingly enough, not even a very high scoring translation) picked up on the very crucial particle numbered 13 here above: the Hebrew letter lamed, meaning for or to. But that's not all. There's no indication that God made Adam from the dust of the earth (a word that should have occurred between words 3 and 4). Instead it reads that He made Adam "dust of the earth," and for the life soul.

The phrase "dust of the earth" denotes a status rather than a fabric. Dust of the earth is the whole pallet of elementary building blocks, or Grundstoff (literally ground-stuff) in German. And the life-soul denotes the whole realm of life, much rather than a single, individual soul.

🔼Word study

1) The letter waw, means and. Verb yasar means fashion, form. It differs from bara, to create (Genesis 1:1) and asa, to make or do (Genesis 1:16). This word is used when something is made from something else (for instance a jar from clay).

2) YHWH Elohim: The second creation Name of God.

3) Et-ha-adam. The particle et is usually not translated. It's a grammatical label, denoting either the accusative, or a proximity. The letter ha is like our word the, although it is much rarer. It stresses the subject. Adam means man in the sense of being a corporeal being. The adjacent word adamah (here number 6) means acre or arable ground.

4) Apar is the common word for dry, fine crumbs of earth.

5) The preposition min means from, but generally indicates a separation. The phrase "dust from the ground" does not simply mean earth-dust, but dust taken from the earth. In Genesis 2:6 the same word is used when we see a mist rise from the earth.

6) The noun adamah is the feminine derivation of the root 'dm of which adam is the masculine word. It means ground, acre or arable ground.

7) Again the letter waw, meaning and. The verb napah means breathe, breathe out, blow.

8) The letter beth means in. Ap means nose or nostril, and comes from the root anep, meaning anger, possibly because anger is shown by violently breathing or snorting.

9) The word neshama is usually translated with breath, although it indicates a typical sign of life, much rather than the mechanical intake of air. Sometimes it is even translated with mind or spirit.

10) Hayim is the general word for life, or living.

11) Again the letter waw, meaning and. The verb haya is the regular word for to be, but it must be stressed that the Hebrew reckons being after behavior. For a closer look at to be in Hebrew, take a brief detour to our article To Be Is To Do.

12) Same as 3.

13) The particle lamed (to, at, for) indicates direction or location. Instances that this particle may denote a transition are highly debatable. Commonly a relation is indicated between an object and something else. Even in the 1 Corinthians 15:45 quote, the particle εις (eis), a particle with the primary idea of motion into or towards a thing, is generally ignored

14) The word nepesh denotes the difficult concept of soul or even appetite, yearning or craving. Perhaps this word most fundamentally indicates the difference between living things and inanimate things: the having of a preference, and the ability to act upon it. We claim that Genesis 2:7 tells about the making of a primary unit or building block for the realm of life (see our article on the Chaotic Set Theory. The preceding realm, that of matter, has energy for a soul, which existed before the initiation of the primary unit we call the atom. The succeeding realm, that of mind, has the conscious creature as unit, and multicellular sub-consciousness existed before its initiation in closely knitted communities of single-cellular organisms. The fourth realm is the realm of Christ, which will begin at the Second Coming, and which was preceded by the outpour of the Holy Spirit. Likewise is life initiated in the material realm (day five), long before its primary unit is established in Adam (of Genesis 2:7).

15) Same as 11.

🔼Abarim Publications translation:

Genesis 2:7, "And YHWH Elohim made the earthling a building block and blew into his nostrils the breath of life, and he became the earthling for the life soul."