Discrepancies in the Abraham Standard Model

Source: https://www.abarim-publications.com/Discrepancies.html

Discrepancies in the Abraham Standard Model

— Where the self-similar symmetry breaks —

A general defense

We have already established that the occurrence of complex physical principles in an ancient document can be explained by means of Chaos Theory. Let it simply be a case of self-similarity. We have also indicated that a pattern that is repeated on different scales of complexity is never exactly duplicated. In order for these similarities to be due to self-similarity we should expect discrepancies, but not so that the pattern fades all together and we are dealing with two distinct patterns, instead of one pattern with two manifestations.

But also, we should be aware that the Standard Model only gives a partial coverage of the fundamental organization of the material realm, and any representation in the mental realm would display a repercussion of the whole, rather than of the parts we've figured out so far. Dark matter, for instance, is not understood by humanity today, and this may be a reason that the family of Abraham is slightly larger than the Standard Model.

Some specific differences


Jacob may have had 12 sons, but he had 13 children. Daughter Dina (the 12th child) is not considered in the Standard Model. Still it should be understood that Hebrew literature deals differently with the genders than we do. Masculinity seems to be the tendency towards individuality, femininity seems to be the tendency towards collectivity. Hence God is male, mankind is female. Through a wife a man may raise a collective of sons. A daughter may indicate a house's ability to have a sub-collective initiated by an external male. To give an example, imagine a club of some sort organized around the ideas of one person, the 'abba' or house-father. The members of that club would constitute the 'sons' of that house. Suppose the club would become so large that the need arises to organize its administration. That need would be a 'daughter'. The club hires an accountant who is not a member, a son, of the club but still he may meet the need of the club and create a sub-group within the club that has employees that execute the defining behavior of the sub-group (accounting).


Esau is a full brother of Jacob, who coincides with the lepton branch of the Standard Model. Esau marries daughters of Heth and also his cousin Mahalath, the daughter of uncle Ishmael, and has many sons. But his offspring, the Edomites, never make it to the mental equivalent of hydrogen formation during the Acts 2 event. Actually, Herod, the token-king of Judah who sent Jesus to Pilate to be tried, was a descendant of Esau. Esau is not a particle or particle group but something that arose along with the creation of leptons, which was connected to the quark family through Mahalath, and which played some catalytic role in the eventual hydrogen formation. Perhaps Esau's identity has not yet been discovered by us today. Perhaps he has something to do with the nucleus' ability to connect itself to electrons, through its positive electrical charge within the regular half of the matter/antimatter arena. The lepton family only has positive charge among the anti-leptons and they were doomed.

Abraham's sons with Keturah (Genesis 25:1-6)

Keturah was a wife, and her sons should have the same status as the son of Sarah, being fermions as they were sons of Abraham. But, even though they were sons of a wife, they were not 'sons of the promise'. Ishmael and Isaac were both greatly blessed by God Himself. The sons of Keturah were not.

There were 6 of them, most likely 3 regular and 3 anti's, and the Standard Model has failed to incorporate them. But, if indeed they exist in the material realm, they should be virtually impossible to detect in particle accelerators. The Keturan sons do not take part in processes involving other fermions as their arrival was initiated at the level of full fermionic symmetry (long before the strongelectroweak breach). No machine on earth could harness enough energy to look at that level.

Rebecca, Rachel and Lea

Both Isaac and Jacob marry wives from Nahorian descent, the bosons part of the family. Isaac marries Rebecca, who is a daughter of Bethuel, one of the 8 sons of Milcah, and Jacob marries Rachel and Lea (and their maid servants) who were both daughters of Laban, the brother of Rebecca. It seems that the Abrahamic version of the Standard Model seems to suggest that one of the 8 strong nuclear bosons helped to establish the various leptons. There is no physical equivalent to this.

Haran and Lot

The name Haran means mountainous and a mountain in Scriptures is any kind of heap or gathering. Often the word mountain is used to indicate a group of people. The name Lot means covering. Judging from the context Haran would fit the description of the primeval black holes that were produced along with the particles of the Standard Model; Lot may represent the event horizons, or perhaps even Hawking Radiation when we take into consideration the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.


The Abrahamic Standard Model seems to lack supersymmetry, the yet to be proven extension of the Standard Model and an explanation of the masses of the particles. And because supersymmetry is not proven it is difficult to know what to look for in the text. Supersymmetry suggests that of every SM particle there is a super-partner or spartner. Certainly there is no sJudah, sKedar or sBethuel listed anywhere in the text.

But still, there are a few traces of supersymmetry hidden deep within the organization of the Bible. If or when supersymmetry is proven and more information regarding the phenomenon is available to compare with the text, traces of it may be identified more easily in Scriptures.

First of all there's the mysterious Melchizedek, who blesses Abraham in the name of the Sovereign God, directly after the war of 4 against 5 kings. Abraham gives him a tenth of what he has, and in Paul's Letter to the Hebrews 7:9-10 it is explained that Abraham's unborn offspring is doing likewise. 'A tenth of all one has' indicates bearing on 'all one has'. Melchizedek therefore has to do with the possessions of the offspring of Abraham, and could be the mental equivalent of the Higgs particle. Not very convincing, though.

Secondly, it should be noted that angels do not appear in Scriptures until Abraham. And Jesus would later remark that the angels of children are conversing with God (which is where the idea of guardian angels comes from). The Bible suggests that many different kinds of angels exist. Some guide or oppose entire nations, some concern themselves with one person, and often a whole bunch of them appears to one person or a small group.

The word 'angel' comes from a Greek word meaning 'messenger' and in Hebrew the word for angel is just that, a messenger, and that word seems to cover a wide variety of creatures. The angelic realm as depicted by Scriptures is possibly as diverse as the human realm. A few chapters ahead we will come across some obvious indications of supersymmetry in Scriptures, but only abstracts, emerging from a way to organize the story. It is very possible that the angelic realm will be understood as supersymmetric partner of the human realm.