Discover the meanings of thousands of Biblical names in Abarim Publications' Biblical Name Vault: Abib

Abib meaning


Source: https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Abib.html

🔼The name Abib: Summary

[Month Of] Green Barley Ears
From the noun אביב ('abib), freshly budded barley.

🔽The name Abib in the Bible

The name Abib belongs to the first month of the ancient Mesopotamian calendar, of which also the Hebrews and Israelites made use. For a close look, more details and some mysteries, see our article on the Hebrew Calendar.

The name Abib is the Canaanite name for this month. The Jewish name, Nisan, comes from the Babylonian version, which was adopted during the exile. This first month of the agricultural year corresponds to our modern period of late March to early April.

The name Abib is the second-most often occurring month-name in the Bible and occurs four times: in Exodus 13:4, 23:15, 34:18, and Deuteronomy 16:1, consistently in connection to Passover and Israel's departure from Egypt. Abib, or rather Aviv, is the modern Hebrew word for spring.

🔽Etymology of the name Abib

The name Abib is the same as the noun אביב ('abib), which refers to freshly budded barley, which in turn signified the beginning of spring and thus the agricultural year:

Excerpted from: Abarim Publications' Biblical Dictionary

The unused verb אבב ('abab) probably meant to be fresh or bright (it does so in cognate languages). The rare noun אב ('eb) probably means freshness or fresh green, and the much more common noun אביב ('abib) refers to barley, but the barley still in the green hull, prior to its processing into anything edible. Abib was also the name of the first month of the agricultural year.

🔽Abib meaning

For a meaning of the name Abib, NOBSE Study Bible Name List reads An Ear Of Corn. Jones' Dictionary of Old Testament Proper Names doesn't have an entry for Abib. BDB Theological Dictionary confirms that our name is identical to the noun meaning fresh young ears of barley, and calls this month the Month Of Ear-Forming.