Abarim Publications Copyright Notice and contact info

Source: https://www.abarim-publications.com/contact/Copyright_Names.html

Abarim Publications Copyright Notice

cookies and contact info

Cookies and chains, freedom and dreams

Here at Abarim Publications we've gone entirely ads & cookie free, and it feels like being healed from leprosy. We urge our readers (and fellow publishers) to likewise break with Big Data and switch to the Brave Browser. The Brave Browser doesn't track users and is therefore much lighter and thus faster than other browsers. It also blocks advertisements and allows websites to earn their keep from voluntary contributions of users instead.

Why is this important, you ask?

Our global economy is drunk with deception and mass manipulation, and the only outcome of this is the systemic collapse of all human institutions that are based on trust (including governmental and monetary systems). Fortunately for all of us, a new sort of economy has been weaving itself together — one based on open source and voluntary contribution, a separation of shared burdens and shared benefits, and fair pay for fair use. In the old system, people competed like animals and required violent government. In the new one, people share what they have and take what they need, and require no government beyond their own maturity and wisdom.

Throughout history, many have dreamed of this new world but didn't have the tools to build and sustain it. Today we have complexity theory, game theory, blockchain technology, the internet and artificial intelligence, and most importantly: a general population that is sick and tired of slavery and lies and fear, and eager to abandon the tenets of economic reality in favor of a world that the old masters cannot possibly comprehend or even perceive. The new economy will replace the old one, not because it's loftier or nobler, but because it works better and is more attractive to more people. The new thing is already outcompeting the old thing, which is why the old thing is getting more and more vicious and merciless. But it has already lost.

Do your own research and when you're ready, join the new world.

Here at Abarim Publication we allow no advertisements, no Facebooks or Twitters, no trackers of any kind to harass or harvest our visitors. More formally: we don't allow third party access to our source code, nor store or track user data. There are two sort-of exceptions, neither of which requires us to warn our visitors, but here they are:

  • We cherish our community but we're not at all interested in the total amount of hits we might have. But we do have to keep an eye on the health of our site, so we need some kind of monitoring. For this we use the Cloudflare Beacon, which is a cookie-free JavaScript snippet that doesn't store IP addresses and such but simply lights up whenever a page is accessed. If the numbers stay somewhat the same over time, we know that the site is functioning properly.
  • We use so-called session-storage for the functionality of our interlinear New Testament: it remembers the verse the user clicked on and then projects that verse into the Dictionary article the user ends up reading. Like its text and pictures, such a session-storage function is a part of the site that you're on, and the user simply leaves it along with the rest of the site. This session-storage function is native to JavaScript and deletes itself when the user leaves the domain. The code that this session-storage is part of is our own. No third party was involved.


All original texts (those are texts that don't obviously come from somewhere else), phrases and images of this entire site are property of Abarim Publications and thus its owners, and are registered with the Library of Congress/ US Copyright Office, under registration number TXu1-364-624. Infringement of copyright is punishable with an enormous fine.

Because we believe in the importance of a society's creative liquidity, republication of any material presented within this site in commercial publications is not permitted. Citations for the purpose of negative critique are permitted, provided the doctrine of Fair Use is respected. This means:

  • If you write to get paid, or to create an economic advantage for any society, company or association (church, school, bowling club, and so on):
    • If you disagree with something we wrote and want to discuss that in a commercial article, you are allowed to copy-paste a few sentences or a single paragraph (but never a whole article or a whole chapter of one article).
    • If you agree with something we wrote, you should be able to say it in your own words. If you are unable to do that, we urge you to practice your craft until you can. We here at Abarim Publications love to be part of a choir of autonomous but harmonious voices, so we can't wait to hear your own original contribution!
  • If you want to cite our work to confirm your own, that's fine as long as you use a few sentences but never a whole article or a whole chapter of one article (that's the Fair Use doctrine), and (b) you're not in any way making money from the publication.


Here at Abarim publications we love mail, but we don't want to get congested, so we've had to put up a hurdle or two. Our spam filters are set to sidetrack any message that doesn't have the following subject:

A message to Abarim Publications

Then our spam filters will look for a magic phrase, namely the answer to the following question:

What is the name of the founding father of Serbia?

Put your answer on the first line of the body of your message and send it to:


We usually respond within a day or two.