Discover the meanings of thousands of Biblical names in Abarim Publications' Biblical Name Vault: Arieh

Arieh meaning


Source: https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Arieh.html

🔼The name Arieh: Summary

Lion, Gatherer
From the noun אריה ('aryeh), lion, from the verb ארה ('ara), to gather.

🔼The name Arieh in the Bible

The Hebrew name Arieh occurs only once in the Bible. Arieh is a guard who is killed along with king Pekahiah of Israel and a fellow guard named Argob (2 Kings 15:25). The assassin's name is Pekah, a royal officer who is helped by fifty men from Gilead. Pekah subsequently becomes king.

🔼Etymology of the name Arieh

The name Arieh is equal to the common Hebrew noun אריה ('aryeh), meaning lion, from the verb ארה ('ara), meaning to gather:

Excerpted from: Abarim Publications' Biblical Dictionary

The verb ארה ('ara) means to collect, pluck or gather. Nouns ארי ('ari) and אריה ('aryeh) both mean lion, which indicates that in Biblical times lions symbolized any power (individual or national) that plundered, gathered and hoarded. And as always, lions are not intrinsically bad; it all depends on what they gather (and at what cost).

Noun אריה ('urya) means manger or crib, which is a thing around which domesticated animals gather — and that is obviously why mankind's slowly waxing collective wisdom was placed in one by "His" mother.

🔼Arieh meaning

The Hebrew name Arieh means Lion or Gatherer.

Also note that this name terminates with the familiar יה (yah), which would normally be the abbreviated form of יהוה (YHWH), the name of the Lord.