🔼The name Chesiluth: Summary
- Meaning
- Folly, Stupidity
- Etymology
- From the verb כסל (kasal), to be a mental invertebrate.
🔽The name Chesiluth in the Bible
Onomasticons usually don't incorporate the name Chesiluth because this name is one of the few Biblical names that always get translated (like Qoheleth).
In the Bible this name occurs only in Proverbs 9:13, where Lady Folly (Chesiluth) is reviewed juxtaposed with Lady Wisdom (Hochma).
🔽Etymology of the name Chesiluth
The name Chesiluth is a proper feminine noun derived from the verb כסל (kasal), meaning either to be confident or to be stupid:
The verb כסל (kasal) means to have no skeletal strength or engage in pareidolia (falsely recognizing images in random patterns, such as Mickey Mouse in a cloud). It describes muscle- and boneless body parts, or a "belief" in the systematic link between uncorrelated events. It typically describes stellar constellations, which are obviously as fantastic as useless.
Nouns כסל (kesel) and כסלה (kisla) mean stupidity or (misplaced) confidence. The former may also describe a body part, probably the loin or lower belly (or blubber butt). The feminine noun כסילות (kesilut) means stupidity.
Noun כסיל (kesil) means fool or dunce; someone who "sees" structure in uncorrelated events. This is also the word for stellar constellations in general, and more specific the constellation Orion.
🔽Chesiluth meaning
None of the onomasticons we routinely consult feature this name, but it means Folly or Stupidity.