Discover the meanings of thousands of Biblical names in Abarim Publications' Biblical Name Vault: Jahdo

Jahdo meaning


Source: https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Jahdo.html

🔼The name Jahdo: Summary

From the verb יחד (yahad), to unite or join.

🔼The name Jahdo in the Bible

The name Jahdo occurs only one time in the Bible. He is mentioned in a genealogy of Gad, the seventh son of Jacob and the first one of Zilpah, who became the ancestor of the tribe of Gad of Israel. Jahdo is a son of Buz and the father of Jeshishai (1 Chronicles 5:14).

🔼Etymology of the name Jahdo

The name Jahdo may come from the verb יחד (yahad), meaning to unite or join:

Excerpted from: Abarim Publications' Biblical Dictionary
יחד  אחד

The verb יחד (yahad) means to be united or join. Noun יחד (yahad) means union. Adverb יחדו (yahdaw) means together. Adjective יחיד (yahid) means only. Adjective and adverb אחד ('ehad) means one.

The letter ו upon which our name ends may be the masculine pronominal suffix: his. But note the similarity of this name and the names יחדיאל (Jahdiel) and יחדיהו (Jehdeiah), which are thought to derive from the verb חדה (hada), meaning to rejoice.

🔼Jahdo meaning

For a meaning of the name Jahdo, NOBSE Study Bible Name List proposes Union and Jones' Dictionary of Old Testament Proper Names reads His Union. BDB Theological Dictionary does not translate this name.