🔼The name Joktan: Summary
- Meaning
- He Will Be Small
- Etymology
- From the verb קטן (qaton), to be small.
🔽The name Joktan in the Bible
Joktan is a son of the famous Eber, his brother being Peleg, the forefather of Abraham (Genesis 10:25). The Joktanites are the last mentioned Shemite generation before the tower of Babel is built.
🔽Etymology of the name Joktan
The name Joktan is the active form of the verb קטן (qaton) meaning to be small or insignificant:
Excerpted from: Abarim Publications' Biblical Dictionary
The verb קטן (qaton) means to be small or insignificant. Adjectives קטן (qatan) and קטן (qaton) mean small, young or insignificant. Noun קטן (qeton) refers to the little finger.
🔽Joktan meaning
For a meaning of the name Joktan, NOBSE Study Bible Name List reads He Will Be Made Small. Jones' Dictionary of Old Testament Proper Names reads He Will Be Small. A name of similar meaning is Paul.