🔼The name Lasha: Summary
- Meaning
- To Be Gaped At, To Be Delighted In
- Etymology
- From (1) the particle ל (le), to or towards, and (2) the verb שעה (sha'a), to delight in or gape at.
🔽The name Lasha in the Bible
Lasha is mentioned as a marker of the eastern boundary of Canaan, the son of Ham, the son of Noah (Genesis 10:19).
🔽Etymology and meaning of the name Lasha
The etymology of the name Lasha is unknown so we're left to guess. Jones' Dictionary of Old Testament Proper Names traces this name back to an unused Hebrew root, and a parallel Arabic word meaning to pierce, and reads Fissure. For untraceable reasons, NOBSE Study Bible Name List reads Bursting Forth. BDB Theological Dictionary makes no attempt.
Perhaps this name is a construct: ל + שע.
The particle ל (le), means to or towards:
The particle ל (le) means to or onto and may describe a physical or mental motion toward or a behavioral effort, an evolutionary one or express determination or purpose. The name of this letter, lamed, describes a cattle prod or goad.
The segment שע probably comes from the verb שעה (sha'a), to delight in or gape at:
The verb שעע (sha'a') describes either a literal smearing over of eyes, which leads to literally impaired vision, or it is used figuratively, in which case it describes an intensely gaping at something and hence becoming blind to everything else. Noun שעשעים (sha'ashu'im) means delight(s). Verb שעה (sha'a) means to gaze.
Whatever the original name giver meant to say with Lasha can no longer be determined, but it looks like To Be Viewed, To Be Blinded By, To Delight In.