🔼The name Mehuman: Summary
- Meaning
- Faithful
- Etymology
- From the verb אמן ('aman), to confirm or support.
🔽The name Mehuman in the Bible
The name Mehuman occurs only once in the Bible. He is one of the seven eunuchs of king Ahasuerus of Persia, whom the king ordered to bring queen Vashti over to show of her beauty (Esther 1:10). The queen refused, was fired and replaced by Hadassah, better known as Esther.
🔽Etymology of the name Mehuman
Since Mehuman was a Persian fellow, the chances are excellent that the name Mehuman isn't Hebrew, but was imported and transliterated into Hebrew. But be that as it may, this name looks like it has been transliterated in such a way that it appears to be a participle derived from the verb אמן ('aman), meaning to confirm or support:
The verb אמן ('aman) means to affirm or support. The familiar adverb אמן ('amen), its lesser known feminine version אמנה ('omna) and the plural variant אמנם ('umnam) mean verily or truly.
Noun אמן ('omen) means faithfulness and noun אמנה ('amana) means faith or support. Noun אמן ('omman) denotes a skilled or "true" worker. Noun אמן ('emun) means trusting or faithfulness. Noun אמונה ('emuna) means firmness, steadfastness or fidelity. And noun אמנה ('omna) means a bringing up or nourishment.
🔽Mehuman meaning
For a meaning of the name Mehuman, NOBSE Study Bible Name List, Jones' Dictionary of Old Testament Proper Names and BDB Theological Dictionary all three read Faithful.