Discover the meanings of thousands of Biblical names in Abarim Publications' Biblical Name Vault: Shimeath

Shimeath meaning


Source: https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Shimeath.html

🔼The name Shimeath: Summary

Report, Fame
From the verb שמע (shama'), to hear.

🔼The name Shimeath in the Bible

There's only one Shimeath in the Bible. She was an Ammonitess and we know of her because her son Jozabad (according to 2 Kings 12:21) or Zabad (according to 2 Chronicles 24:26) killed king Joash of Judah.

He and his fellow regicide Jehozabad the son of the Moabitess Shomer (according to 2 Kings 12:21) or Shimrith (according to 2 Chronicles 24:26) were servants of Joash who struck him down at the house of Millo (according to 2 Kings) or when he was laying sick in his bed after a bout with a band of Arameans (according to 2 Chronicles).

Neither account makes clear why Joash had foreign servants, why they wanted to kill their king and what happened to them after.

🔼Etymology of the name Shimeath

The name Shimeath is a feminine noun (of an old spelling) of a noun derived of the verb שמע (shama'), meaning to hear:

Excerpted from: Abarim Publications' Biblical Dictionary

The verb שמע (shama') means to hear and may also mean to understand or obey. Noun שמע (shema') means sound. Nouns שמע (shoma') and שמועה (shemu'a) mean tidings, report or mentions. Noun השמעות (hashma'ut) describes that which is caused to be heard. Noun משמע (mishma') means rumor or a thing heard. Noun משמעת (mishma'at) refers to a group or listeners.

🔼Shimeath meaning

For a meaning of the name Shimeath, NOBSE Study Bible Name List reads Report and Jones' Dictionary of Old Testament Proper Names proposes Hearing, Fame. BDB Theological Dictionary does not interpret our name but does list it under the verb שמע (shama'), meaning to hear.