Discover the meanings of thousands of Biblical names in Abarim Publications' Biblical Name Vault: Tahpanhes

Tahpanhes meaning


Source: https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Tahpanhes.html

🔼The name Tahpanhes: Summary

Head Of The Age
From an Egyptian phrase.

🔼The name Tahpanhes in the Bible

Tahpanhes is an Egyptian city mentioned by the prophets Jeremiah and Ezekiel (as Tehaphnehes). It's prominent enough to be mentioned along Memphis (Jeremiah 2:16, spelled only here as תחפנס), and served as a city of refuge for the Judeans who had fled the Babylonian invasion (Jeremiah 43:7-9, 44:1).

But their sense of safety was short-lived. Via the abducted prophet Jeremiah in Egypt and his colleague Ezekiel in Babylon, YHWH foretold the destruction of Egypt, including Tahpanhes, by the Babylonians (Jeremiah 46:14, Ezekiel 30:18).

🔼Etymology and meaning of the name Tahpanhes

The name Tahpanhes is Egyptian and probably means the same as the name Tahpenes, namely Head Of The Age or rather Beginning Of Earth As We Know It.