Discover the meanings of thousands of Biblical names in Abarim Publications' Biblical Name Vault: Ziphron

Ziphron meaning


Source: https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Ziphron.html

🔼The name Ziphron: Summary

Unclear but perhaps Sweet Smell
From an Arabic verb meaning to diffuse a sweet smell.

🔽The name Ziphron in the Bible

The name Ziphron occurs only once in the Bible, namely in Numbers 34:9, where the northern border of the territory of Israel is described. Since this northern border started at the Mediterranean Sea, Ziphron must have been located somewhere near to the north-east corner of Israel.

🔽Etymology of the name Ziphron

The etymology of the name Ziphron is irretrievably lost. In the Hebrew of the Bible there is no root זפר (zpr) or anything that could plausible be proposed as the source of our name. There is, however, a comparable verb in Arabic, which means to diffuse a sweet smell, which might as such have also existed in Hebrew.

🔽Ziphron meaning

For a meaning of the name Ziphron, Jones' Dictionary of Old Testament Proper Names goes with the Arabic verb and reads Sweet Smell. NOBSE Study Bible Name List proposes Beautiful Top for no discernable reason. BDB Theological Dictionary offers no hint a possible etymology or meaning of this name.