Translating the Bible—Merits of Unification

Source: https://www.abarim-publications.com/Translating_Bible/Unification.html

Translating the Bible

— 4. Merits of Unification —

🔼The Unification of the Mind of Man

All throughout history we see how mankind flourishes in federations. The Celts were able to sack Rome right after they united the Celtic clans. A mere hundred years later the Roman tribes united and the Roman Empire arose as a result of it, vengefully offing most of the Celtic culture. Long before that, the freshly united Kingdom of Israel under Solomon became an empire unparalleled in intellectual splendor and the material wealth that came in its wake. The Babylonian Empire arose when Nebuchadnezzar's father united the Babylonian clans, and the same went for Phillip's Macedonia, which became his son Alexander's Greek Empire.

And when the peoples of modern times had their renegades and fugitives federate in a land far and away, a New World came to pass, which lead to an era of unprecedented technical achievements, scientific knowledge and personal freedom.

Man's glory obviously lies in the evanescence of the borders that limit him and sever him from his peers and from the very needs that urge him to excel. Or in the words of Herman Melville, one of America's most profound ponderers of the qualities of democracy and the liberty it cradles,

"But as in landlessness alone resides the highest truth, shoreless, indefinite as God — so, better is it to perish in that howling infinite, than to be ingloriously dashed upon the lee, even if that were safety."

We live in a very exciting time because both history and future have their eyes on us. We have been given the means to rightfully de-westernize the Gospel, de-mythologize the Genesis account of the origins, and — according to John the Revelator — completely de-religionize man's relationship with the Living God.

The church is plagued by a very rotten start, and a lopsided input by mostly Western European scholars. To come to some kind of understanding we need the insights of people from every culture on earth. We need to incorporate all kinds of art and science. We need to engage in negotiations with other religions. Ask them what they have heard and what they have seen. Or as the prophet Isaiah said,

"He will speak to His people through stammering lips and a foreign tongue."

We must seek to unite the minds of man and pave the first few steps of a King's Highway in the dessert of understanding. And the dessert will bloom like a rose.